
Open DOHR: Employment Training Program

EVENT DETAILS WFC’s OpenDOHR invites you to the Certified Nurse Assistant Employment Training Program. The Certified Nurse Assistant career track will prepare you for entry level positions in providing basic patient and resident care. You will learn to report vital patient information including temperatures, pulses and blood pressures as well as have direct patient contact […]


Understanding Elections with Guest Speaker Elmer Gonzalez

EVENT DETAILS WFC’s OpenDOHR invites you to understand why is it important to vote and learn the process. Anyone is welcome. TIME October 12, 2022 @10AM & October 20, 2022 @6pm LOCATION 169 Colony Street, Meriden, CT  06451


She Shines Event – Oct 9th

EVENT DETAILS Woman Focused Artisans Event! NEBCo’s Women Equality Committee Artisans event highlighting the craft and talent of women in our community. TIME She Shines at New England Brewing Co. LOCATION 175 Amity Rd Woodridge, CT 06525

Event sexual assault program

Types of Sexual Assault: What You Need to Know

Types of Sexual Assault: What You Need to Know Sexual assault is any undesired sexual contact. Sexual violence occurs in every community and influences people of all spans. This form includes expressions and activities of a sexual nature against an individual’s will or, most times, without their consent. To commit sexual violence, a person may […]

Employment Training and Development Program

Open DOHR Provides job skills training to low-income individuals in CT

Open DOHR provides job skills training to low-income individuals in CT Low-income individuals often miss out on opportunities to acquire the necessary job skills because they often don’t have access to the necessary resources. Most low-income people struggle in the employment market for one or more of the following reasons: Encouraging low-income individuals to learn […]

Event News

WYSH House Ribbon Cutting

We recently held a ribbon cutting ceremony for WFC’s WYSH House a program of Project REACH.

Employment Training and Development Program Event

Employment Training and Development Programs: Overview and Benefits

Employment Training and Placement Program Hiring well trained employees has become a vital business strategy to creating a productive working environment.  Unfortunately, not everyone can get the training that they need to compete for the well-paying jobs. Development programs, like Open DOHR, focuses on getting its participants college degrees, vocational training and employment opportunities. What […]


April is Sexual Awareness Month (SAAM)

EVENT DETAILS Join us throughout the month of April for daily events highlighting Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) For more information on all our events and to learn more, please visit WFCSexualAssaultCrisisServices on Instagram or http://Women and Families Sexual Assault Crisis Services on Facebook. We are here for you 24/7, 365. To get in touch […]



EVENT DETAILS The purpose of this training is to become a certified Sexual Assault Volunteer Advocate for WFC. Volunteer training classes start Feb 1, 2021. Please register ahead of time with Nydia Roldan, [email protected] TIME All Day (Monday) EST



EVENT DETAILS The purpose of this Support Group is to Empower those who have Experienced Trauma through Sexual Assault. TIME All Day (Thursday) LOCATION 169 Colony St