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WFC’s Project REACH is dedicated to providing services that empower youth ages 18 to 22 to make choices in the best interest of their safety, well-being and future selves, through programs that both educate the community about what unstable housing is to providing long lasting positive outcomes with guidance and counseling from our case managers. Project REACH provides support services to youth and young adults who are homeless, at risk of becoming homeless or are unstably housed. Our services involve counseling, educational outreach and materials, short term emergency housing for teens, transitional housing for young adults, case management, and additional outside support resources.
What is Unstable Housing?
As a part of Project REACH, we educate the community and youth to understand what unstable housing looks like. Most people think of homelessness as living on the street without a roof over your head. However, homelessness or unstable housing has many different forms. Some indications that a youth is unstably housed include:
- Couch surfing: moving from one friend’s or neighbor’s house to another
- Staying with a friend’s family
- Living out of their car
- Being a runaway or on the run
- Living on the street
Some of these may look secure, but in fact may put a youth or young adult at risk to be taken advantage of and being at a disadvantage in terms of education, food and employment opportunities. We want them to know that there is something different then what they are living with now and to put them on the right track to fulfill their potential in life.
What To Do If You Or Someone You Know Is At Risk Of Becoming Homeless or Unstably Housed?
Make sure the current situation is a safe environment. If you or they are not in a safe environment, then please call 2-1-1 or go to https://uwc.211ct.org/categorysearch/housing/.

You can also go to a nation safe place as identified by this sign or find one at https://www.nationalsafeplace.org/find-a-safe-place.

If you are in need of immediate shelter, please call 211; 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or call the Project REACH offices during normal business hours at 203-235-9297, ext. 1126.
What are WFC’s Project REACH’s Services?
Robyn’s House provides transitional housing services to young people ages 18-22 for up to 18 months. The program is dedicated to moving young people that are in crisis to a path of self-sufficiency and independent living. We offer young people a second chance at learning and achieving the skills necessary to become self-sustaining young adults that can live independently.
WYSH House is the newest addition to Project REACH and is fully occupied. Learn more about how to help better fund WYSH House for now and in the future.
For more information about housing, call Carissa @ 203-235-9297, ext. 1126 or call 203-213-8667
If you are in need of immediate shelter, please call 211.