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Our Programs
WFC provides a variety of enrichment and support programs for both youths and adults, as well as some confidential services for victims of abuse and sexual assault.

Sexual Assault Crisis Services(SACS)
Sexual Assault is NEVER the victim’s fault, NO MATTER what the circumstances. We offer support services to victims of sexual violence and their loved ones. Do not feel that you are alone and know your rights. Use our helpful resources. Get the facts
WFC’s Before and After School Program
Located in Meriden’s Pulaski, Hanover, and Nathan Hale Elementary, this enrichment program combines Science, Technology, Art and Recreation in ways that develop team building, problem solving strategies and critical thinking.

Project REACH: Robyn’s House & WYSH House
Robyn’s House and WYSH House provide short term and long term housing to Connecticut youth and adults. The program is dedicated to moving people who are in crisis to a path of self-sufficiency and independent living. We offer people a second chance at learning and achieving the skills necessary to become self-sustaining adults who can live independently.
Developing Opportunities in Human Resources Employment and Training Program provides services to low-income men, women and youth.