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If You are Ever Sexually Assaulted
If you suspect that you have been a victim or survivor of sexual assault, then consider these steps. You have the right to make your own decisions about what is best for you. You have the right to medical attention and the right to pursue criminal or civil remedies. You may also apply for victim’s compensation. We will support you through your decision-making process and provide referrals as needed.
Please consider the following:
- Get to a safe place and call the hotline at 1-888-999-5545 (English) and 1-888-568-8332 (En Espanol), or call us direct at WFC’s direct hotline: 203-235-4444
- Consider seeking medical attention. Adults are not required to report the crime to the police to receive medical attention.
- Remember that NO victim is to blame for sexual assault. You deserve respect and support from everyone.
- DO NOT bathe, douche, or change clothes before seeking medical attention. This interferes with evidence collection.
- You may feel confused, numb, disbelieving, angry, isolated and alone, powerless and out of control. Other common experiences include a loss of appetite, sleeplessness, or nightmares, difficulty coping, mood swings, anger, sadness and other uncomfortable or unfamiliar emotions.
How SACS Helps You as a Survivor of Sexual Assault
WFC’s Sexual Assault Crisis Services (SACS) is survivor driven meaning that all of the decisions are yours to make. We will support you with the decisions that you make and help to regain the control that you may feel is lost.
We believe you.
We are here for you.
You can tell us as much and as little as you want in order to make a decision on what you would like to do. This includes your identity. You have the right to remain anonymous. All calls to the hotline and conversations with SACS counselors and advocates are confidential.
Hotline for Sexual Assault Victims and Survivors
If you are a Sexual Assault victim or you know of someone who has been sexual assaulted, please contact us today. If you were sexually abused or assaulted in the past, it may still be affecting your life. It may still be helpful to talk about your feelings.
24-hour Crisis Hotline
Toll free: 1-888-999-5545 (English) and 1-888-568-8332 (En Espanol)
WFC’s Direct Hotline: 203-235-4444
TTY access during office hours (Monday-Friday 9:00am-5pm) after hours use CT Relay Service 7-1-1.
SACS Accompaniment and Counseling Services:
We are flexible on where and when you need a WFC’s Sexual Assault Crisis Services (SACS) counselor to talk to you. If you need someone to help support you as you work through the process of evidence collection at the medical exam / hospital as well as at the police department, you can ask us to be there with you. Our counselors and support staff are there for you.
To learn more about the WFC’s Sexual Assault Crisis Services, please click here