WFC ESL Adult Education Classes (English as a Second Language)
WFC sponsors adult classes where English is taught as a second language there are two sessions for both the family to learn as well as adult only classes. These classes are focused on everyday communication as well as for employment and further education. Below are more details regarding each of the sessions.
Family Literacy
Parents with students age birth to 8 years of age can attend our morning sessions with their children to learn English together. This helps both the parent as well as the child to re-enforce what they might be hearing or learning in school or work settings.
English language learners will develop reading, writing, listening and speaking skills for employment, education and everyday communication. Parents will learn with their children through fun interactive literacy activities.
Adult ESL and Civics
Our evening sessions are ESL and Citizenship specific for those who want to learn about civic engagement while learning the English language and vocabulary used.
Students develop reading, writing, listening, speaking and numeracy skills for employment, education and communication in English. They will also learn the rights and responsibilities of citizenship and civic participation, and prepare for U.S. Citizenship.
Although, we don’t help the individual with the citizenship process, we do educate on vocabulary so they are prepared for the citizenship test.

ESL Enrollment Process
The ESL sessions run for 10 to 15 weeks depending on the time of the year and have the following enrollment periods. All of the classes are taught at our Meriden, CT location.
Fall Class Enrollment: August/September
Spring Class Enrollment: January/February
If you are interested in taking an ESL class, please contact our English in the Workforce Program coordinator.
For more information regarding our WFC’s Open DOHR Employment Training Programs please contact John Johnson (475) 775-4899 [email protected]
WFC Open DOHR Program Resources:
- Open DOHR Programs
- To view Employment Training Programs
- WFC RISE Programs
- WFC English for the Workplace Program (ESL)
- How to Help WFC Open DOHR Program